The Bad Batch (2017)

Dir. Ana Lily Amripour, Cin. Lyle Vincent; In English; 115 minutes. I enjoyed the camerawork and the world, but this film ultimately was too sprawling and disconnected; it opened strong but fizzled until its very end. Arlen's aimless plod through a desert Arkham City, and what could have been interesting moral complexities, namely picking between … Continue reading The Bad Batch (2017)

Breathless (1960)

Dir. Jean-Luc Godard, Cin. Raoul Coutard; In French, with English subtitles; 90 minutes. As a piece of film, Breathless is unsteady, uneven, charming, and dated: its montage at times feels laughably sloppy because riddled with awkward jump cuts, its dialogue unbearably cringy because grossly sexist and as choppy as its camerawork. But still the film … Continue reading Breathless (1960)

La Haine (1995)

Dir. Mathieu Kassovitz, Cin. Pierre Aïm; In French, with English subtitles; 98 minutes. This film — French crime drama following three banlieue-dwelling friends over one tumultuous 19-hour day — amazed me. It laid bare its understanding of the roots and effects of cyclical violence, presented very full, empathetic characters, stayed thematically focused without becoming preachy, and did … Continue reading La Haine (1995)

The Assassin (2015)

Dir. Hou Hsiao-hsien, Cin. Mark Lee Ping Bin; In Mandarin, with English subtitles; 108 minutes. Like eating molasses—overindulgent in nearly every shot, flowing slowly forward, and opaque. Despite the film's beauty and Hou's practiced style, and some legitimately astounding scenes (any of the very sparse fight scenes and Yinniang's POV through golden curtains come immediately … Continue reading The Assassin (2015)